12-13 YOS Meeting -- Organizing Patrols/Positions and Planning

DATE:  Wednesday, 11/28/2018
TIME:  7:00 PM
LOCATION:  At the Church

Leadership positions and Patrols have been organized, as follows:

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) - Camden Thorsted
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) - Trevor Nelson

-- "Men of the Wild" Patrol --
Lane Rose - Patrol Leader
Lake Lemon - Assistant Patrol Leader
Trevor Nelson - Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Thomas Jepsen - Quartermaster
Spencer Earp - Scribe
Nathan Conroy - Webmaster

-- Unnamed Patrol --
Kyler Hawkes - Patrol Leader
Richie Hudson - Assistant Patrol Leader
Camden Thorsted - Senior Patrol Leader
Taylor Earp - Chaplain Aide
Jarom Messerli - Librarian
Mathew Metters - Historian
Ike Woodbury - Scribe


-- Monthly Breakdown --
Week 1:  Service
Week 2:  Merit Badge or Scout Skill
Week 3:  YM/YW Combined
Week 4:  Merit Badge or Scout Skill
Week 5:  YM Combined Super Activity

12/05/2018  YM/YW Combined Activity - Escape Room
12/12/2018  Wrap Gifts for Luke's Eagle Project
12/19/2018  Sledding


-- Service --
Frodsham Community Christmas
Lantern House

-- Merit Badges and Scout Skills --
Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge
Automotive Repair Merit Badge
Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge
Rifle Shooting Merit Badge
Archery Merit Badge
Ice Fishing
Klondike (winter camping) our own camp


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