Troop Activity, July 19, 2017 - Wednesday, 7 pm -- Cooking & Camping Merit Badges
12-13 year old Scouts Activity WHAT: Work on the Camping & Cooking Merit Badges while making and eating campfire cones WHEN: Wednesday, July 19 WHERE: Meet at the Church, 7 pm, then we'll go over to the city bowery just South of the Church BRING: Filling for your waffle cone; for example: - Marshmallows - Chocolate Chips - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Bananas - Raspberries - Starbursts - Nutella SM Frodsham will bring: - Fire pit - Fire starter - Waffle cones We will need to get the following out of the scout trailer: - Tin Foil - Wood Be prepared to answer questions about the Camping and Cooking merit badges!!! Wear your class B shirt / activity t-shirt (the red one that says "Troop 640" on the front)